Quality Circle Forum Of India (QCFI), Bhilai Chapter, came into existence on 13th February, 2010 to propagate and promote Quality Circle (QC), 5S and Quality concept. Since then we have organised many workshops on QC and 5S in Bhilai Steel Plant, Jindal Steel and Power, Jindal Power, Sarda Energy and Minerals, Uniworth India Ltd. and NTPC-SAIL Power Company etc.
QCFI, Bhilai Chapter has most experienced faculty in the field of QualityCircles and 5S.
QCFI, Bhilai Chapter, has entered into agreement with NTPC-SAIL Power Company, Bhilai, for implementation of 5S and final certification. Progress of the project is quite satisfactory. QCFI, Bhilai Chapter, has been pioneer in the country for implementation of 5S in schools on a large scale. In 17 schools of Bhilai Steel Plant 5S has been implemented and 32 more schools are being taken up for implementation of 5S.
QCFI, Bhilai Chapter is instrumental in implementing 5S in Quality Control and Convertor/Concast Deppts. of Bhilai Steel Plant. We have experienced judges of international repute for Quality Circle Conventions and are offering our services to NTPC-Korba, NTPC-Vindhyachal , NTPC -Talchar, Orissa.
Quality Circle conventions are being held every year where teams from various organisations are participating. Many organisations are getting connected with our chapter exponentially in last four year team participation in chapter convention has increased from 33 in the year 2010 to 70 in the year 2013.
Our motto is to increase the productivity of organisations by way of Quality Circles, 5S and Quality concepts and also self and mutual development of individuals and societies. QCFI is recognized as the institution representing The Quality Circle Movement In India and has represented the country in several international forums. The organization has successfully implemented Quality concepts under the TQM umbrella across several industry verticals that have experienced a phenomenal enhancement of their work processes and productivity after implementation of Quality concept tools.
QCFI represents India in the 13 nation International Committee that has been set up for organizing International conventions on Quality Concept Circle, annually. To date, QCFI has organized two International conventions in India. In addition, chapter convention and National convention are held every year where members present case studies and technical papers are discussed by leading Quality Concept Practitioners.
In-house Training and Orientation Programs is of QCFI’s main strengths and has conducted numerous such training programs effectively. These in-house programs are based on Quality Circles integrated with TQM and related concepts.
On 31st December 1982 the Quality Circle Forum of India was registered as a non-profit and non-political organization under AP Public Society’s Act with following Objectives: